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Spiro Acqua Services


imgEnergy saving Anti scale systems

Did you know that a mere 3.1mm of hard scale can increase your ENERGY consumption by as much as 25%? The more scale accumulated in the boiler, the more energy (money) is wasted.


The presence of scale is equivalent to having a thin film of insulation across the path of heat transfer from the furnace gases to the boiler water. This heat-insulating material retards heat transfer and causes a loss in boiler efficiency


imgSolving Aquaculture problems

There are problems in aquaculture operations, such as aquaculture wastes and effluents and chemical pollution. To meet these challenges, there is a need to increase the competitiveness and efficiency of the aquaculture industry.


The solution is a chemical free technology that helps aqua-culturists manages the quality of water. Application of the “Spiro Aqcua“ system can result in substantial economic benefits, such as less reliance on chemicals, faster turnover and fall in usage of water.


imgSofteners in Construction sector

As the water is the major ingredient in bonding of the bricks, concrete mixing & curing. Even Motors, pipe lines, taps, shower heads and other costly bathroom fitting are affected by UN potable water from the bore sources which we majorly depend upon.


The water used for brick making, mixing and curing should be clean and free from injurious quantities of alkalis, acid, salt, sugar, organic materials, vegetable growth and other substances that may be deleterious to bricks, stone, concrete or steel. 


Discover the Softened Spiro Water

Most of calcium or magnesium ions in water will form into amorphous sludge and cannot form calcite crystals with negatively charged ions, such as carbonate ion (CO) or sulfate (SO) on the surface of pipes.


The water treated by Spiro Water softener – can be maintained at higher conductivity value. That means, allowing higher concentration of dissolved ions floating in suspension, without the formation of hard scale on the surface of equipment or piping. It can reduce boiler blow down and save on energy cost. 

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